Sports & High Achiever Challenges

Have you ever been on a ballfield and seen a player make an error (or maybe the sports official made a bad call)?….Often what follows next are meltdowns; tearful episodes; coaches and teammates trying to soothe the soul of an inconsolable player. This is very common in youth sports, and it’s agonizing when it’s your kiddo having the problem (believe me, I’ve been there)!

Or maybe your player feels like giving up or quitting? What?! Your entire family has sacrificed for this sport or activity!  And let’s not get started on how much you have already paid for fees, equipment, extra coaching, etc.! In fact, you might have even invested your time as a coach!!  Your athlete now tells you s/he no longer wants to play, after going strong in a sport or activity season after season!

Ok…Now What??!!  Please know this is super hard, and your player is stuck right now in a pattern that is not working.  Whether your child is having meltdowns or refusing to play their favorite sport anymore, I’m sure you have tried everything to help your kiddo…..but until we address WHY your kiddo is reacting this way and come up with a new game plan, this behavior is not likely to change on its own–and you will continue to be at your wit’s end!  Youth as young as 6 years old can already be stuck and are not likely to outgrow this without intervention.

I love working with highly motivated athletes (and their parents) who are stuck or stressed out!  Regardless of your player’s age and experience level with sports or extra-curricular activities, it’s never too late to help your athlete to develop a new play book!   Sports should be fun for your athlete and for your family!!  Please check out these GOTCHA – Sports Cards that I created for parents and coaches to help reinforce a growth mindset for athletes & teammates!

Schedule now for a FREE 15-minute Strategy Session!

It could be a GAME CHANGER for you & your athlete! 

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(704) 336-0256

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