The Mental Health Impact of COVID-19 on Families

If you asked any of us a year ago what would life be like in 2020, it’s doubtful anyone would have guessed we would be going through a global pandemic, complete with lockdowns, virtual learning, and self-quarantining. At the beginning of the year, some families might have thought being forced to stay home from work and school would be a fun little vacation. But as the weeks and months have passed, we have all learned this has been anything but fun at times.

How it Affects Kids

Kids haven’t enjoyed the time away from school nearly as much as thought they might! Disruption to normal routines has caused many teens and adolescents to feel anxiety. Add to this being away from their friends, and many young people are also feeling depressed and lonely.

Summer vacation for many this year was not the same as other summer vacations in years past, as travel was difficult for many families.  Playgrounds were closed, pools were limited, sports teams were canceled and boredom set in for many kids, which led to a lot of acting out and mood swings.

The pandemic has also negatively impacted young people with different abilities and mental health diagnoses, such as those on the autism spectrum. For many of these kids, a disruption of routine and school environments has stalled their progress and caused anxiety.

With some schools opening and some only offering virtual learning, life is still not “back to normal” and many kids are simply struggling to deal with this crisis any more.

How it Affects Parents

Parents have, without question, been hit hard by the pandemic. With forced school closures and virtual learning, many parents have had to learn how to balance working from home, while managing their child’s virtual learning!  The struggle is REAL to work at home, while wearing the multiple hats of Teacher, Tech Person, Detention Officer, Activity Director, Referee Among Siblings, Screen Time Officer, Counselor and Coach. It’s no wonder so many parents are having to leave the work force right now!!

How it Affects Spouses

Quarantining and self-isolation have definitely impacted our familial and romantic relationships. When you are locked in a house with your family, things can become chaotic and, well, everyone gets on each other’s nerves. Now forced to live on top of one another, and enduring financial hardships, worrying about health, and educating and organizing the children—just going grocery shopping can add a layer of stress.

Those couples who may already have relationship issues under the surface may find the sudden and intense stress has brought these issues to the surface. This can be a turning point for many relationships: will this current crisis bring us closer or finally drive us apart?

Without question, we are all living under an intense amount of prolonged stress, and it is affecting us all differently. If you and your family aren’t able to handle the stress any longer, it’s important that you reach out and get some help from a counselor. Most therapists are offering telehealth services, which means you can get the benefits of therapy wherever you are and without having to leave the home.

If you are feeling stuck, please call me for a Free 15-Minute Strategy Session! 


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